(Nayarit, Mexico)


Ceremonial Psilocybin Retreat

An immersive journey in the jungle, into healing & finding deeper purpose


NOV 30 - DEC 07 // 8 DAYS

FEB  01 - 08 // 8 DAYS

MAR 14 - 18 // 5 DAYS

APR  05 - 12 // 8 DAYS

MAY 24 - 31 // 8 DAYS

“Soul Medicine retreat was the best thing I have ever done for myself”

– Jessica Sidon

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SOUL MEDICINE is a ceremonial psilocybin retreat for deep healing and connection to oneself. During our week together we will take you on a multidimensional journey to heal, remember, explore, and grow into your most authentic self. 

We are entering into a week-long ceremony that is held in deep reverence to ancestral traditions of the earth. Our safely held container offers you a space to journey into the depths of your inner landscapes, to release any past traumas, pains, and blockages holding you back from living life fully.

Together we co-create a space to weave our souls with somatic movement, meditation, sound, and ritual for personal exploration and expansion. We will hold and nourish each other in a loving community.

Our work bridges the worlds of shamanic ritualist work and modern somatic psychology and transpersonal philosophy to offer the most comprehensive tools for long-lasting change and healing.

Reconnect with Nature, Self, and Spirit

Our Approach

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  • Gathering in ceremony is an integral part of the human experience. The ceremony is our way to remember that we are part of a larger circle, interconnected and whole together. We will be sharing space with sacred healing plants including Psilocybin Mushrooms, Kambo, Cacao, Rapé, Sananga and Chilcuague.

  • Prayer is our way to connect inward and establish a connection to the divine. Stepping into our power as creator beings and creating magnetism and communion with the great mystery.

    Rituals guide us through life, providing meaning as we make sense of the world around us, as well as the world within.

    We will create sacred space together as a family, remembering what it is to be human upon this earth, connected to the vastness within and without.

  • It is in community that we are seen and heard fully, where we learn from those around us and exchange stories that connect us to people and places. Our gatherings are curated to nourish this innate need for belonging and honest acceptance so that we can remember what it is to be supported and empowered by those around us. We want to revive the power that is held in these deeply ancestral, indigenous relationships with life, creating containers that inspire real connection and lifelong friendships.

  • Reconnecting to the language of the body helps us expand our capacity for self-healing and flow in our lives. We believe in the power of movement and stillness. Following our body wisdom, we will guide you through a journey of expansivity, oneness, and acceptance. Our approach is intuitive, weaving different styles of yoga and intuitive movement including tantra, vinyasa, yin, restorative and kundalini. We embrace a deeply embodied practice, which is not about forcing the body into any shape but tapping into our innate needs and sensations.

  • Sound, vision, taste, touch, voice, breath, and movement will thread our time together in a connected community. We will journey through the body and this human existence, into deep presence beyond time and space. We are creating a safe container to feel, explore, process and express authentically - where all the senses are celebrated and deep transformation can take place.

  • Reflection and integration are needed while we are moving through a profound process and sharing our experiences, opening up a space of deep connection and trust. This magnitude of healing broadens insight and strengthens the community, which is also why we are including an additional 2 virtual integration circles after the retreat has ended, with ongoing community support. The work begins when we step away from paradise and begin to truly embody the wisdom nature has empowered us with. If you feel called to deepen your integration journey we have trusted experts that share our mission. Find our more here.

“Soul Medicine retreat is the experience of TRUTH in all forms”

– Christiane zu Salm

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A Retreat for Those Seeking Deep Healing, Purpose, and Connection

For those of us who are ready to heal deeply and end suffering from depression, anxiety and toxic patterns holding us back from living fully

For those of us who are looking for a deeper sense of purpose and belonging in this life

For those of us who want to step into their full potential and live an authentic, fulfilling life

For those of us who feel disconnected from ourselves and our Mother Earth

For those of us that are looking to connect with a tribe of likeminded, unique & courageous souls

Your Soul Medicine Experience Includes:

Eco-friendly accomodation

Seven nights and eight days at the stunning jungle eco- healing center Haliksai, nestled into the beachfront jungle in Nayarit, Mexico

Plant Medicine ceremonies

Two psilocybin ceremonies, one psilocybin sacred beach ceremony, two Temazcal rituals and one Kambo ceremony, led by initiated expert facilitators

Image of yogamats around a campfire

Daily Plant-Based Meals

Daily lovingly prepared, nutritious meals and snacks and drinks prepared by our expert chef to support your body and mind at specific stages of the retreat. Our plant-based menu is created from local and seasonal produce.

Support, Preparation and Integration

Individual 1:1 support from one of the main facilitators to ensure a fully supported healing journey. Online preparation & integration package including one live integration group call.

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Holistic Program

A carefully curated schedule of ceremonies, workshops, teachings and rituals delivered by highly trained expert facilitators with space for rest and connection.

Gift Bag!

Curated welcome gift bag with our special journal, and surprises.

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We will be staying in eco-friendly build, beautiful jungle cabins surrounded by the jungle and complete privacy, with a 15-minute walk to a secluded sacred beach. All cabins have private bathrooms with king/queen-sized beds and some single beds. All accommodation is shared.


Payment plans are available for all options

  • 4x Single Bed for female participants per retreat available.

    4x Single Bed for male participants per retreat available.

    *we try our best to keep cabins separate by gender

    The deposit is $600 and payment plans are available.

  • 2x Private Glamping Tent for up to two people available with private shower & electricity. The deposit is $600 and payment plans are available.

  • For couples or best friends that want to share one of the two private glamping tents.

  • For each retreat, we have one partial scholarship at a discounted community rate available. This spot is for anyone facing financial hardships or in need of extra support.

    Please reach out to hello@ourfutureisancient.com for more information or visit the tap reciprocity to fill in an application


Payment plans are available for all options

  • 4x Single Bed for female participants per retreat available.

    4x Single Bed for male participants per retreat available.

    *we try our best to keep cabins separate by gender

    The deposit is $600 and payment plans are available.

  • 2x Private Glamping Tent for up to two people available with private shower & electricity. The deposit is $600 and payment plans are available.

  • For couples or best friends that want to share one of the private glamping tents.

  • For each retreat, we have one partial scholarship at a discounted community rate available. This spot is for anyone facing financial hardships or in need of extra support.

    Please reach out to hello@ourfutureisancient.com for more information or visit the tap reciprocity to fill in an application

Our Program

Ancient earth-centered wisdom traditions, the 7 sacred directions, the 5 elements, and our state of interbeing with the nature of all things will guide our time together, forming a program for self-inquiry, deep exploration and reflection. Delicious highly nutritional soul food will be served in accordance with our daily schedule and be shared in family.

Our Jungle Sanctuary

Setting is an important part of the healing experience. Our retreats are held in a family run eco-healing center outside of San Pancho, Nayarit. A safe and protected vortex for one to release and let go of old patterns of thinking and old habits that no longer serve us. Surrounded by the healing embrace of Mother Nature.


  • The Soul Medicine Retreat helped me greatly to transform from a Human Doing to a Human Being. In other words, to move my inner point of departure from fear to love, from survival mode towards receiving mode. Here are my 3 key takeaways: In a safe, loving and compassionate environment, I felt fully allowed to be me, was able to deeply reconnect with my self and experienced true connection with others. Thanks to profound integration work after the psilocybin ceremonies, everyone was given tools to continue the creation of new pathways in their minds after returning home. This retreat is for everyone who has come to feel disoriented, out of alignment with their inner selves, depression, burn-out and/or trauma. To me, it has been the most powerful shortcut to healing so far! I am incredibly grateful for this magic experience. And every bite of chef Ale's excellent plant-based food tasted like a bliss of love. A big thank you to Pia and her amazing team!

    Christiane zu Salm

  • Soul Medicine is a place you go when you want to truly experience and understand all of the medicines of life! This space unveils the medicine in so many aspects of our daily life AND they take pride in providing the right tools to properly integrate the lessons once arriving back home (the most important part.) My time at Soul Medicine allowed me to relax not only into myself, but into Mother Nature and the company of many beautiful people. This retreat is a unique and playful container for growing, healing and true nourishment! The time you spend at soul medicine is filled appropriately with opportunities to connect with yourself and the tools we all have within. Through somatic dance and movement workshops, breathwork and many amazing meditations, Soul Medicine gently invites you into the beautiful parts of yourself and this world. It was a perfect balance of free time, play and the work we all go to do when embarking on this beautiful journey of self-growth. I feel as though I was given new tools for integration and endless support. I am so grateful for my time at Soul Medicine and highly recommend it for both the first-time plant medicine explorers and experienced people with medicine. I felt so free to open up and explore new parts of myself, it was worth every penny!!

    Maggie McKay

  • My life changed with the retreat. Full stop. When people hear these sorts of things, I imagine they expect to see an outward expression not unlike, say, a stereotypical mid-life crisis where a man starts dressing completely different, buys a convertible and starts dating women half his age (not that there's anything wrong with any of this!) The change for me however has been subtle and profound all at once. The person I see in the mirror now is not the same person I saw when I looked in the mirror before the retreat. Who I see now is a confident woman who knows herself on a deeper and truer level than ever before. The retreat didn't magically fix my life, but it helped me to rediscover who I truly am so that I can fix what needs fixing. As it turns out, there is not nearly as much broken stuff as I thought there was! The Soul Medicine retreat was a hard journey. I had more fear coming into it than I even realized. Yet with each step I felt supported. I knew that I could put my trust in you--Pia, Alberto, Maria, John and Sinclair--and that it was well placed and cared for. The environment both physically and spiritually that you created for me was a perfect one in which I could take the beautifully hard journey. I changed my life, but I would not have been able to do it without you and for that I am deeply grateful. Our Future is Ancient opened the door. Actually, you showed me there even was a door in the first place, but I had to walk through it. I carry all of you with me and the memories of our time together in my heart. Thank you just doesn't seem adequate, but I'll say it nonetheless. Thank you.

    Agna Brayshaw

"Soul Medicine means to me finding that Joy of your heart, letting your soul sing and dance in community, understanding the power of community."

- Travis

"The biggest takeaway is just a return to myself—it has really felt like a homecoming to my true essence, so much more than I could have wished."

- Emily

Space Holders


The ritualistic use of psilocybin mushrooms dates back 3500 to Mayan culture. K’aizalaj okox, otherwise known as teonanàcatl (psilocybin cubensis) to the Aztecs has been used in Mesoamerican cultures to experience non-ordinary states of consciousness for millenials. Those ancient traditions referred to psilocybin mushrooms as genius or divinatory mushrooms.

Psilocybin mushrooms exist across the whole world, making it a medicine of our collective memory and ancestral heritage, a medicine that belongs to all of us.

Abundant in its nature and interwoven cross-culturally, Psilocybin is one of the most promising natural and non-addictive compounds to support the healing process across multiple physical, emotional, mental and spiritually rooted health conditions. It is proven to be one of the safest and most effective Psychedelics (Entheogen) to work with, allowing us to deeply explore the connection between mind, body and spirit.

For more extensive resources of Psilocybin and Psychedelic assisted therapy please check out our library.


Kambo comes from a secretion found on the Giant monkey tree frog of the Amazon Jungle. Often called the vaccine of the forest, this excellent remedy has been used throughout the jungle for thousands of years as a powerful detox for the mind, body, and spirit. In recent years Kambo has found its reach to most of the known world and is slowly being recognized as one of the most potent holistic remedies on earth.

Kambo helps to clean out blockages and trauma we accumulate throughout life. Whether physical, mental, emotional, or energetic. These blockages can be the basis for many health ailments and are often at the root of what is preventing us from growing into our full potential as physical and spiritual beings.

For more extensive resources on Kambo please check out our library.

Important Information

Our retreats are an intimate, highly curated, and safe container of a maximum of 12 participants. Our facilitators are at the location for the entire duration of the retreat, providing the maximum attention to our guests.

The closest airport is Puerto Vallarta (1,5hrs) from our final destination. If you can arrive a day early and spend the night in Puerto Vallarta or in San Pancho (the closest town to the retreat) we recommend it to ground and adjust.

Shuttles are at 2:30 pm from Puerto Vallarta airport. People staying in San Pancho before the retreat can be picked up at the main entrance of town by the shuttle. Arrival at the retreat is at 4pm. The shuttle on the last day of the retreat leaves at 1pm.

Please read our full terms of service below

Terms + Conditions


We are committed to making our offerings more inclusive. Get in touch with us about the possibility to receive support.

Are you struggling financially? Are you part of the marginal communities underrepresented in wellness, for example, women of colour and LGBTQ+ community?