What is sacred reciprocity?
Sacred reciprocity offers an opportunity to help restore balance to a presently imbalanced system. Nature exists in a dynamic balance of interconnected relationships and exchanges. When more is taken than returned, the results are depletion, imbalance and system collapse.
Sacred reciprocity means establishing ways to give back to the communities who have lost the most holding this ancient wisdom of ceremony, ritual, and work with sacred master plants and entheogens.
Our efforts are in reestablishing a dialog with the wisdom keepers of these sacraments and supporting their efforts in defending the territory and roots of traditional healing ceremonies.
Our efforts are in educating and connecting communities to keep the original memories of the land and medicines alive.
We are committed to making our offerings more inclusive. Get in touch with us about the possibility to receive support.
Are you struggling financially? Are you part of the marginal communities underrepresented in wellness, for example, women of colour and LGBTQ+ community?
Support Reciprocity
If you want to support our mission of reciprocity and supporting local communities, traditional wisdom keeper, medicine protector or create the possibility for someone that is facing a challending economical situation to join our healing journey you can make a donation here. These funds will go 100% towards our scholarship program and support of local projects.