

Neurologically psilocybin has been shown to lower activity in the default mode network in the brain. The DFMN is the connection in the brain that helps us identify as being ourselves, thoughts of the past, and future, general reflection and self-criticism. Some may consider this as being the mode where the ego resides.

It is in the default mode that we find ourselves getting stuck in repetitive negative thought patterns. These patterns can lead to mental health issues such as depression, and anxiety and if not addressed can lead to physical ailments in the body. Psilocybin has been shown to quiet the activity of the DFMN and has also been shown to momentarily dissolve it entirely.

Having the opportunity to step outside of this mode gives us the potential to bring a profound transformation in the way we think and the way we see the world. When psilocybin is consumed we give space to get out of the way and allow ourselves to create new thought patterns.

We can imagine these Neural pathways as being groves within the brain. The more we go down a direction or a certain thought pattern the deeper the groves become. It is with the help of Psilocybin that we are able to fill these groves and are able to redirect pathways creating new thought patterns.

This reorganizing and detangling of the neurological pathways can have a profound shift in one's mental health. Allowing space for change and to be able to free oneself from the confines of a repetitive thought pattern. Giving a chance to develop new thought patterns that are in better service of one’s mental, and physical health and inner peace.


Kambo comes from a secretion found on the Giant monkey tree frog (Phyllomedusa Bicolor) of the Amazon Jungle. Often called the vaccine of the forest, this excellent remedy has been used throughout the jungle for thousands of years as a powerful detox for the mind, body, and spirit. In recent years Kambo has found its reach to most of the known world and is slowly being recognized as one of the most potent holistic remedies on earth.

The essence of what Kambo does is helping to clean out blockages and trauma we accumulate throughout life. Whether physical, mental, emotional, or energetic. These blockages can often be considered the basis for many health ailments and are often at the root of what is preventing us from growing into our full potential as physical and spiritual beings.

Physical Body

Kambo has been known to help bring a complete detox to the whole physical body. Helping to clean and strengthen the immune system. Kambo is one of the strongest natural antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anesthetic, and immune enhancer substances in the world. It helps us to restore to our most harmonious state of health and well-being, fighting off viruses, bacteria, fungal infections, and parasites. Kambo has also been shown to help fight many physical illnesses such as addiction, Alzheimer’s disease, Cancer, chronic pain, Diabetes, Herpes, Hpv, Hepatitis, Hiv, Aids, Infections, Infertility, Rheumatism, and Vascular ailments. 

Mental Health

Kambo has been known to help with overall mental health by helping to clear out old thought patterns that cause us to fall into a place of anxiety, depression, lack of energy, and loss of drive to live up to our fullest potential. Kambo promotes an overall shift in mood giving people a boost in mental clarity and well-being. Allowing the strength and stability to break free of old thought patterns and start fresh with a more aware and clear perspective.

Energetic, Spiritual Body

Kambo is also known to clean the spiritual, energetic body, helping to break through old energetic blocks picked up by our experiences in life and through the DNA that is linked to our ancestry. This sacred frog energy helps us to move closer to our higher selves, our spiritual connection, and our intuition. Helping to open our hearts to pure love and awareness. Freeing us of old patterns and helping us to step outside of the box we create for ourselves and see with a clear set of eyes the connection and beauty of all that we are and all that is.

Kambo has a strong physical effect that lasts for about twenty minutes with the height of the intensity lasting between ten and fifteen minutes. Typically in the first ten minutes, people will begin to purge toxins from their physical, emotional, and energetic bodies. You may experience an increased heart rate, burning sensations, swelling, and shaking. These are all normal side effects and go away after the session is over.

In the modern world, there is a multitude of research projects within universities, research establishments, and pharmaceutical companies to identify the chemical composition of Kambo and to look at the medical benefits of these components. Scientists have discovered that Kambo contains a unique and highly complex cocktail of bioactive peptides. There are currently 70 patents logged.

Scientific research on the secretion of Phyllomedusa bicolor started in the 1980s. Nominee of the Nobel Prize, scientist Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome wrote that the secretion contains a ‘fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian’. Kambo contains a unique and complex mix of bioactive peptides which trigger chemical reactions in the human body. Some of these peptides have been found to contribute to heightened sensory perception, increased stamina, increased physical strength, and in general, enhanced capacity to manage pain and stressful situations.  The properties of the peptides found in Kambo cover a wide range of potential medical uses: treatment of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, depression, migraines, blood circulation problems, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases, skin and eyes issues, fertility problems, AIDS, hepatitis and cancer.



  • We also recommend watching the film Fantastic Fungi, if you haven’t seen it yet.



  • Our favourite books that may help in your preparation and integration -

  • Food of the Gods by Terrance Mckenna

  • DMT The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman M.D

  • Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers by Richard Evans Schultes + Albert Hofmann

  • Breaking Convention: Essays on Psychedelic Consciousness by David Luke

  • The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby

  • The Fellowship of the River: A Medical Doctor's Exploration into Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine by Joseph Tafur MD

  • Inner Work by Jungian Analyst Robert A. Johnson

  • The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

  • It Didn’t Start With You by Mark Wolynn

  • The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel A. van Der Kolk

  • Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake

  • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-pa Turner