Psychedelic Integration

What is psychedelic integration?

Psychedelic Integration is the industry term for the process of exploring, understanding, and embodying the psychedelic or mystical plant medicine experience, and taking action to bring yourself and your life into alignment with your new perspective and awareness. It is a commitment to going deeper within yourself to address areas within your consciousness that are needing your attention, care, and unconditional love.

Integration is a very personal, non-linear, often lifelong process, and looks completely different for every individual. It can look like a shift in priorities, focus, and intention on both a small and large scale. It can be as simple as feeling called to change daily habits and take better care of yourself, and it can be an intense pull to face and heal deep wounds or trauma.

For some people, integration includes a calling to fulfill a purpose, an igniting of a passion, or the acceptance that a job, relationship, or previous way of life is no longer possible or desirable. Often you integrate using discernment of what you don’t want in your life, releasing that which no longer serves you. It is the space you create for your Self to transform, grow, and change.

It’s all the messy stuff that comes from looking deep inside yourself and diving into what you find there, so you can come out the other side more healed, more empowered, and less afraid of going after the life you really want. Integration creates transformation. And transformation is what you need to bust yourself out of whatever barriers are making you feel stuck, lost, and alone inside a broken system.

Prioritizing Integration

The way Western society is currently experiencing psychedelic medicines is very disjointed and disconnected. It has become a solitary, non-communal process for many people. And the pressure of trying to integrate after a profound spiritual experience or plant medicine retreat on your own can be confusing and scary, especially if you had a difficult or painful experience. We are spiritual babies in our understanding compared to the ancient, indigenous cultures with lineages and wisdom of working with sacred plant teachers. We are just starting to understand the power, importance, and necessity of creating space for healing after the ceremonies end.

While psychedelic integration coaches, integration circles, therapists, and spiritually focused healing practitioners are beginning to offer support, resources, and integration services, it can be hard to know where to start, to find something that works, and that’s available in your area.

For healers and thought leaders called to plant medicines, doing your own personal inner work creates the SPIRITUAL FLOW you need to joyfully live the dream, and experience the freedom of being fully yourself. Above all, psychedelic integration is the expansion of awareness, a higher vibrational attunement that enables us to feel more connected to ourselves, to others, and to the universal consciousness.

Meet Sinclair

Sinclair is the founder of Mystical Heart Collective and The Psychedelic Integration Podcast. She is a certified Transformational, Recovery, and Psychedelic Integration Coach, who provides experienced holistic guidance throughout the entire psychedelic journey - education, preparation, navigation, and integration - so that her clients feel supported and held throughout their transformational journey. She offers grounded, nurturing, loving support so that you feel safe to go deep, take back your power, and create the life you deserve.